
Enigma6 Group is a family run Esports/Entertainment Organization founded/created in early 2015 by Jordon General. Owned by Enigma6 Chris. (E6 Principal)
Enigma6 is a renowned Professional Esports /Entertainment Organization with a global fan base with an endless passion for competitive gaming. Founded early 2015 by Jordon “GENERAL” General, Sondra General and Owner Chris (E6Principal), we remain committed to achieving victory and creating an entertaining experience for our dedicated fans. The esports industry is growing rapidly, and we are proud to be part of the wave of success. Catch us in action at our next competition!
Q. How did you Chris and Sondra as parents get involved in the esports scene?
"We have many reasons why we took a chance on our son, getting involved in the esports. Some are obvious and others are personal between us.”
Jordon “GENERAL” General had asked us to take him to his first Call Of Duty lan in 2014 when he was 15 years old. As parents we were not familiar with esports so we attended the event with him. We had always allowed Jordon to play video games as an outlet from not feeling as though he fit in with his other class-mattes in school, but we had no idea what competitive video gaming (esports) even was.
Jordon’s first team was called “THE MONEY TEAM”. His teammates were Steezy, Input and Moody.
We watched the “event”, which was held in the basement of a business, and it intrigued us. It was a big mix of people from all backgrounds, old, young, rich, poor, athletic, and not who were all on the even “playing” field when they gamed. It was a wholesome, fun and very entertaining experience.
Q. How did Enigma6 Group, LLC form?
There are a mix of reasons why Enigma6 came about. The event organizers for the lan Jordon was planning to attend had lost their venue at the last minute. We had spoken with them at the first event we attended. They called us in a panic and asked us if we could help in any way. Using our contacts, we were able to secure them an entire venue free of charge with all expenses covered. We saved the day for all the gamers who had planned to attend their event.
While watching the matches, a bunch of players walked up to their team owner and asked him to buy them food since they were hungry. We overheard him say “He (I) only had $7 and could not buy them any food.” This was day 2 of a 3-day event mind you. We ended up buying enough pizzas for the entire venue. It was then, we decided we have the resources, why not help others pursue their dreams in gaming along with Jordon.
This was also the first event for Jordon with his new team that included both Kade, MRuiz and Kelsey. The team placed first. It was a great experience for all of us.
A few days after the event, all of us decided we would start our own organization. Our focus would be providing the resources and opportunity for kids to pursue their dreams in gaming.
It was natural for us to treat everyone like they were our own kids. We made sure all the kids travelled how we did and we treated them the same we do Jordon.
We were just a mom and dad learning how we could help others and support our son as well as giving video-gamers their shot at pursuing gaming as a career. We were one of the few organizations at the time to pay a salary. A lot of organizations were mad at us because they said it set a bad precedent. We had no idea what was ahead of us.
2015 Enigma6 Group, LLC is born "Family run esports Organization”
Providing Video Gamers the opportunity to live out their dreams, enjoying the Enigma6 Lifestyle"
ENIGMA6 - Esports Organization run by a family with an endless passion for competitive gaming. Since 2015, Enigma6 has had multiple Professional esports teams competing at the highest levels in the competitive professional esports scene. Enigma6 has had professional league teams in Gears of War, Halo, H1Z1, CSGO and Call of Duty. We remain committed to achieving victory and creating an entertaining experience for our dedicated team and true fans.
“General's passion for Call of Duty has always been the reason why we as a family pursued the esports scene"
Q. “What does Enigma6 mean and is there a story behind the logos"?
The Enigma6 logo, which one? This had been an ongoing saga. We had an idea of what we thought our esports logo/mascot should look like. It has definitely been an evolution. We had spiders, stars, circles as we evolved to our current logo. The process took awhile, but we love our logo and what it symoolizes to us.
Enigma6 final logo was actually created and inspired by some of our very early experiences in esports. The eye in Enigma6 was inspired by a clan tag Jordon made in early 2014 on XBOX that he was mysteriously removed which had thousands of people in the group, way before we (the parents) had ever been introduced to the esports scene (laughing) that is a story for another time given by General.
"We wanted something unique, fresh and a logo with meaning to us"
"ENIGMA with the dual meanings of being mysterious and a difficult code to crack.
6 for its reference of “I have your six (back).”
We decided early on to build the organization who we wanted with our values rather than compromise our values for monetary support. If we could make a positive difference in peoples lives, it would be worth it. We did it our way with values that symbolized us. Hope, Respect 6, Loyalty, Succe$$ and Respect = Enigma6
"These are not only the values we always try and teach our players but to live them in their lives daily."
Q. What does #E6ARMY stand for?
E6Army is for all those who support the team and support our goal of helping people to better their lives through esports. We make mistakes of course, but do not deviate from our core value of trying to genuinely help people seize opportunities they would not normally have. WE give chances to people most do not. It’s the opportunity to help someone grow themselves in a positive way. It has never been about $ for us like many esports orgs.
"we came into this esports space to lean what made our son happy and took a chance on something he loves
we have been through many ups and downs, challenges, obstacles and every time come out on top.
Together as a family… we have already won” - Sondra General
“I took a chance on my son, no regrets doing that. I regret being naïve in social media and not addressing issues when they occurred rather than letting others dictate the perception of us. Most people who have been a part of our organization are grateful for the experience and support we provided. The real fans stick with us. So many people have flourished because we gave them the chance when no one else would. That makes us a winner. ” Chris
“I have not achieved what I am here to do yet, you all will know when I do." General
Thank you for taking the time to hear a portion of our story.
“ The Enigma6 Group esports Journey”
(Spring 2019)
Jordon “GENERAL” General
CEO /Team Captain of Enigma6 Professional Call of Duty Team.
Jordon “General" General, 20 years old is a professional Call of Duty player for Enigma6. Jordon is the co-founder of Enigma6, he created this Enigma6 esports/Entertainment Organization at 15 years old.
Jordon “General” General is the team captain, and in-game leader of Enigma6 Professional Call of Duty team.
No matter what is thrown at us during competition, General is always there to keep our team on track. With impeccable skill and natural talent General is a true leader.
Sondra General
Co Founder/Chief Marketing Officer
Sondra General is the co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer for @Enigma6group Sondra created the logo, designs and branding. She develops and coordinates the brand image and marketing activities which support the vision, mission and core values of the organization. She also oversees the content strategy, planning and activation across all social media for our current Call of Duty team, and past Gears of War, CS:GO, H1Z1, and Halo pro teams.

Have a question for one of the Owners of Enigma6? Please get in touch to learn more.