Welcome Matthew “Royalty” Faithfull to Enigma6 Group Call of Duty!
Effective today, we are announcing a change to ourCall of Duty roster. Mike “MRuiz” Ruiz is retiring from the Enigma6 Group Call of Duty roster.
In his place, please welcome Matthew “Royalty” Faithfull.
Matt is joining the remaining members on the active roster, Jordon General, Nicholas Maldonado, and Kade Jones.
“Mike has been a member of the team and like a brother to all of us. We worked through a lot of challenges together as a team and friends. We were able to accomplish qualifying for the CWL Global Pro League Stage 1and finishing 5/6th in the S1 Playoffs on our first attempt of being eligible. Mike won’t be on the active team, but always part of the Enigma6 family.
Matt “Royalty” is an amazing young talent. As a team, we are excited to build the same team chemistryE6is known for. Matt’s explosive play style, dedication to winning, and consistent high-level performance will be a great complement to the team. We are all excited to compete together and look forward to the future.
— Jordon General, Enigma6 Group Call of Duty Team Captain & CEO of Enigma6 Group.
The new Enigma6 Call of Duty team’s first event together will be the Call of Duty World League Anaheim Open June 16-18.
In the mean time, please follow Jordon @JordonGeneral, Nicholas @E6Proto, Kade @E6Kade and Matthew @SaugaRoyalty or check out the official Enigma6Group Call of Duty team page.